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Pneumoconioses 3a - History - MLTF
Mediastinum 03c - Food "stuck" in chest - MLTF
Pneumoconioses 3b - History - MLTF
Mediastinum 04 - Food "stuck" in chest - MLTF
Mediastinum 01 - Remote childhood infection - MLTF
Pneumoconioses 4a - History - MLTF
Pneumoconioses 2 - History - MLTF
Pneumoconioses 1a - History - MLTF
Pneumoconioses 1b - History - MLTF
Mediastinum 03b - Food "stuck" in chest - MLTF
Mediastinum 03a - Food "stuck" in chest - MLTF
Mediastinum 06c - Weakness, anemia - MLTF
Mediastinum 12b - Dysphagia - MLTF
Mediastinum 11b - Dysphagia - MLTF
Mediastinum 11a - Dysphagia - MLTF
Pneumoconioses 5a - History - MLTF
Mediastinum 09b - Chronic diarrhea - MLTF
Mediastinum 08b - CAD, bypass graft - MLTF
Mediastinum 07a - Chest pain - MLTF
Mediastinum 05a - Chest pain - MLTF
Pneumoconioses 4b - History - MLTF
Pneumoconioses 5b - History - MLTF
Mediastinum 12a - Dysphagia - MLTF
Mediastinum 02b - Weakness and cough - MLTF
Mediastinum 02a - Weakness and cough - MLTF
Mediastinum 10a - Dyspnea - MLTF
Mediastinum 09a - Chronic diarrhea - MLTF
Mediastinum 08a - CAD, bypass graft - MLTF
Mediastinum 07b - Chest pain - MLTF
Mediastinum 06a - Weakness, anemia - MLTF
Mediastinum 06b - Weakness, anemia - MLTF
Mediastinum 05b - Chest pain - MLTF
Mediastinum 10b - Dyspnea - MLTF
Drug reaction 3 - History - MLTF
Drug reaction 6 - History - MLTF
Drug reaction 2 - History - MLTF
Drug reaction 1a - History - MLTF
Drug reaction 1b - History - MLTF
Drug reaction 7a - History - MLTF
Drug reaction 5a - History - MLTF
Drug reaction 5b - History - MLTF
Drug reaction 7b - History - MLTF
Drug reaction 4 - History - MLTF
Cysts 6 - History - MLTF
Cysts 5 - History - MLTF
Nodules 01 - Lung CA screening - MLTF
Nodules 02 - Infection, improving on steroid - MLTF
Cysts 8b - History - MLTF
Nodules 03 - Fever - MLTF
Nodules 04 - Vaping hobby - MLTF
Nodules 05 - Lung CA screening - MLTF
Cysts 4 - History - MLTF
Cysts 3 - History - MLTF
Nodules 06 - Wood worker w SOB - MLTF
Cysts 1b - History - MLTF
Cysts 2 - History - MLTF
Cysts 8a - History - MLTF
Nodules 07 - Chronic cough - MLTF
Nodules 08 - IVDA - MLTF
Cysts 7a - History - MLTF
Cysts 7b - History - MLTF
Cysts 1a - History - MLTF
Nodules 09 - Dusk occupation - MLTF
Nodules 10 - Weight loss and skin rashes - MLTF
Cancer 1a - History - MLTF
Cancer 1b - History - MLTF
Cancer 2b - History - MLTF
Cancer 2a - History - MLTF
Cancer 7c - History - MLTF
Cancer 5b - Lung CA screening- MLTF
Cancer 9 - History - MLTF
Cancer 8 - Lung CA screening - MLTF
Cancer 7b - History - MLTF
Cancer 7a - History - MLTF
Cancer 6b - History - MLTF
Cancer 6a - History - MLTF
Cancer 4a - History - MLTF
Cancer 4b - History - MLTF
Cancer 5a - Lung CA screening - MLTF
Cancer 3a - History - MLTF
Cancer 3b - History - MLTF
Cancer 4c - History - MLTF
Airways 10 - History - MLTF
Airways 10a - History - MLTF
Airways 10b - History - MLTF
Airways 09 - History - MLTF
Airways 02b - History - MLTF
Airways 04 - History - MLTF
Airways 02a - History - MLTF
Airways 01 - History - MLTF
Airways 07 - History - MLTF
Airways 03 - History - MLTF
Airways 08 - History - MLTF
Airways 06b - History - MLTF
Airways 06a - History - MLTF
Airways 05b - History - MLTF
Airways 05a - History - MLTF
Airways 10b - History - MLTF
Airways 10a - History - MLTF
Neuro_CTA_Head/Neck: 11 M, severe headache, IVH.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 72 M.
Neuro_MR_Skull_Base: 67 M with DM, concern for NPC.
Neuro_MR_CSpine: 15 M, MVA, widening of disc space on CT.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 46 F, moyamoya status post bypass complicated by infarcts, comatose.
Neuro_CR_Neck: 55 F, swallowed a chicken bone.
Neuro_MR_Spine: 24 M, lower extremity weakness after surfing, enhancing central cord lesion in the lower cord with mild restric
Neuro_MR_Brain: 67 M, cerebellar hemorrhages.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 52 M, history of stroke, bone marrow transplant, new seizure and AMS.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 29 F, remote cerebellar AVM s/p resection and XRT, recent AMS and decline.
Neuro_MR_Orbits: 85 M, left cranial nerve II and VI palsies.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 66 M, history of CABG, aortic valve endocarditis.
Neuro_CT_Head: 87 M, report of "mass" at OSH.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 39 F, facial weakness and headache.
Neuro_MR_Orbits: 58 M, progressive vision loss.
Neuro_MR_CTSpine: 65 F, history of ALS, pins and needles feeling weeks after whiplash injury.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 74 F, history of multiple ICH.
Neuro_CT_Facial_Bones: 6 M, bicycle crash.
Neuro_CTA_Head: 30 M, AMS.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 6 mo F, concern for encephalomyelitis.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 22 F, history of strokes, new stroke-like symptoms.
Neuro_CTA_Head: 30 M, AMS and fever, hemorrhage.
Neuro_CTA_Head: 54 F, headache, recent GI illness.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 36 F, postpartum headache, delivery complicated by massive hemorrhage and HELLP.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 5 M, right-sided weakness.
Neuro_MR_LSpine: 24 F, bilateral extremity tingling.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 66 M, nausea and vomiting, vascular posterior fossa mass.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 37 F, metastatic breast cancer, worsening headaches.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 10 F, AMS.
Neuro_CT_Head: 33 pregnant F, right facial droop, neurological decompensation.
Neuro_CTA_Head/Neck: 53 M, recent bilateral MCA infarcts.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 6 F, limping.
Neuro_MR_Orbit: 8 M, proptosis.
Neuro_CT_Head: 96 F, right MCA syndrome.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 70 M, follicular lymphoma, AMS.
Neuro_CTA_Head: 71 M, left MCA syndrome.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 56 M, memory difficulties.
Neuro_MR_Orbit: 15 M, nasal mass and epistaxis.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 58 F, episodes of delirium and electrolyte abnormalities.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 61 M, thunderclap headache, bilobed dural based mass.
Neuro_CT_Head: 56 F, word finding difficulties and seizure, new left parietal mass.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 67 F, eye pain and swelling.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 21 M, history of liver transplant, AMS.
Neuro_CT_Neck: 25 M, sore throat and neck swelling.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 34 F, seizures.
Neuro_CT_Head: 33 M, left proptosis and ophthalmoplegia.
Neuro_MR_Sella: 57 F, positional hypotension.
Neuro_MR_IAC: 68 F, right CPA mass.
Neuro_MR_Skull_Base: 68 F, history of SCC of the right frontal sinus.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 18 M, lymphoma on intrathecal methotrexate, new neurologic findings.
Neuro_MR_IAC: 37 M.
Neuro_CT_Head_Face_CSpine: 49 F, high speed MVA, through windshield.
Neuro_CT_Temporal_Bone: 6 M, right conductive hearing loss.
Neuro_CT_Head: 23 M, head trauma.
Neuro_CT_Head: 68 F, with steno-occlusive disease, infarct and hemorrhage after EC-IC bypass.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 68 M, unresponsive, coded.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 57 M, left pontine hemorrhage.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 49 M, right anterior temporal hemorrhage.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 72 M, left MCA syndrome.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 17 M, Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, cardiac arrest.
Neuro_CT_Head: 10 F, AMS.
Neuro_CTA_Head: 55 M, unresponsive after angiography, bilateral ICA occlusion.
Neuro_CT_Head: 33 F, intraoperative cardiac arrest.
Neuro_CT_Head: 4 mo M, ATLE, aspiration.
Neuro_MR_Brain: Newborn with poor feeding and tone.
Neuro_CT_Head: 18 M, ALL, seizure, right temporal hemorrhage.
Neuro_CTA_Head/Neck: 66 M, history of seizure.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 58 M, memory loss and confusion.
Neuro_CTA_Head/Neck: 57 F, basal ganglia hemorrhage.
Neuro_CT_Head: 84 M, difficulty walking, rule out CVA.
Neuro_CT_Head: 31 M, HIV, AMS.
Neuro_CT_Facial_Bones: 3 F, right periorbital swelling.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 61 M, SAH.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 10 F, vision loss.
Neuro_MR_TSpine: 18 M, chronic granulomatous disease, immunosuppressed, fever.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 57 F, AMS and fever.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 47 M, intractable nausea and vomiting for 5 months, negative GI work-up. Increased lymphocytes and protein on LP
Neuro_CT_Head: 69 M, altered mental status, left temporal and insular hypodensity.
Neuro_CT_Neck: 18 F, septic shock.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 2 M.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 21 F, postpartum headache.
Neuro_MR_Spine: 24 M, peripheral neuropathy and leg weakness, substance abuse.
Neuro_MR_CSpine: 27 M, hemorrhagic cervical cord lesion.
Neuro_MR_CSpine: 44 F, cervical myelopathy.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 29 M, vision changes.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 6 F, AMS.
Neuro_CT_Head: 51 F, diplopia.
Neuro_CT_Head: 23 F, headache and neck stiffness, hyperdense posterior fossa mass.
Neuro_MR_Head: 17 F, headache.
Neuro_CT_head: 28 F, intracranial lesion and VP shunt.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 43 M, acute nausea/vomiting, internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Neuro_MR_Brain: 26 F, incidental papilledema
Neuro_MR_Brain: 92 M, TIA
Neuro_MR_Brain: 23 M, HA and vision changes
Neuro_MR_IAC: 27M, L hearing loss, HA, memory loss
Neuro_CT_head: 13 M, hepatoblastoma & HTN, r/o hemorrhage
Neuro_CT_neck: 55 F, swallowed chicken bone
Neuro_CT_head: 60 M, speech difficulties
Neuro_MR_orbit: 69 M, left proptosis
Neuro_MR_brain: 64 M, r/o sinus infection
Neuro_MR_Spine: 57 M, GBM
Neuro_MR_brain: 73 M, GBM
Neuro_CT_head: 61 M, DM, vision changes
Neuro_MR_brain: 37 M, AMS
Neuro_CT_Face: 23 M, facial fx s/p ORIF, now w/ fever
Neuro_MR_Brain: 69 M, headache
Neuro_CT_Orbit: 2 M, right periorbital swelling
Neuro_CT_Neck: 7 F, neck pain & fever
Neuro_MR_Brain: 15 F, sinus pain & fever
Neuro_MR_Brain: 59 M, sudden onset hemichorea, DM2.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 29 F, history of VP shunt and progressive neurologic decline.
Neuro_CT_C_Spine: 10 F, neck pain, C6 lesion.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 3 F, spastic quadriplegia, developmental delay, seizures.
Neuro_MR_C/T/LS: 58 F, metastatic lung cancer.
Neuro_CT_Neck: 26 F, severe sore throat
Neuro_MR_Orbits&Brain: 87 M, L vision loss, & eye pain
Neuro_CT_head: 50 F, fever and AMS.
Neuro_CT_Head: 33 M, left proptosis and ophthalmoplegia.
Neuro_CT_Head: 53 with hypodense "pontine" mass.
Neuro_MR_IAC: 68 F with right CPA mass.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 22 mo F, TB.
Neuro_MR_C_Spine: 57 F, history of breast cancer, neck pain.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 25 M, AMS.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 17 M, headache and fever.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 52 M, lung lesions, brain lesions on CT.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 22 F, pregnant, AMS, seizure.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 6 mo, AMS and right ear infection.
Neuro_CT_Temporal_Bone: 13 M, ear pain and swelling.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 70 M, rapidly progressive cognitive decline.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 39 F, immunosuppressed and AMS.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 33 M, from Mexico, AMS.
Neuro_MR_CS: 58 F, leg weakness.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 11 F, HA and fever
Neuro_MR_Brain: 25 F, hx SLE p/w AMS
Neuro_CT_Head&Neck: 67 F, sore throat & fever
Neuro_MR_Brain: 64 F, ataxia.
Neuro_CT_Head: 59 M, worst headache of life.
Neuro_CT_Head&CSpine: 74 F, hx multiple myeloma, fall
Neuro_CT_Head: 62 F, known aneurysmal SAH
Neuro_MR_Brain: 30 F, right hemiplegia and aphasia
Neuro_MR_Brain&Neck: 55 M, left ICA dissection on outside CTA
Neuro_MR_Brain: 57 M, multiple weeks eye redness
Neuro_MR_Brain: 88 F, acute delirium.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 60 M, right pulsatile tinnitus.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 54 F, left MCA syndrome.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 40 F, right MCA syndrome.
Neuro_MR_Brain&Neck: 66 F, s/p EVAR with blood per lumbar drain
Neuro_CT_Head: 87 M, OSH imaging report of mass
Neuro_MR_Brain: 19 F, TIA symptoms.
Neuro_MR_IAC: 68 F, abducens palsy after MVA.
Neuro_CT_Head: 14 M, car surfing, head trauma.
Neuro_CT_Head: 50 F, meth use, AMS, headache
Neuro_MR_Brain: 44 M, concern for mass
Neuro_CTA_Head&Neck: 94 M, AMS
Neuro_CT_Head: 58 M, worst headache of life
Neuro_CT_Head: 25 F, pancytopenia and diplopia
Neuro_CT_Head: 13 M, HA 5 days after soccer ball to head
Neuro_MR_Brain: 38 M, MVA, GCS 3.
Neuro_MR_Brain/CS: 43 M, MCC.
Neuro_CTA_Head: 43 M, MVA.
Neuro_CTA_Head/Neck: 34 F, velocardiofacial syndrome, arterial canalization during attempted transvenous pacer placement.
Neuro_CT_Head: 29 yo M, MVA with roll-over
Neuro_MR_Brain: 28 yo M, MVA, personality change
Neuro_CT_Cspine: 57 yo F, MVC
NEURO_CT_Head: 9 mo M, head trauma
Neuro_MR_Orbits: 4 M, eye pain and fever
Neuro_CT_Neck: 55 F, neck pain.
Neuro_MR_SkullBase: 34 M, neck pain, retropharyngeal effusion on outside CT.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 35 M, decreased right visual acuity.
Neuro_CTA_Head: 50 F, LOC during job interview
Neuro_CTA_Head: 37 M, history of left facial gunshot wound.
Neuro_CT_Head: 83 F, bilateral subdural hematomas, evaluate for resolution.
Neuro_CT_Head/Face/CS: 86 F, trauma.
Neuro_CT_Head: 5 M, left ear pain and fever.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 2 M, GAS infection and multiorgan failure.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 45 M, progressive cognitive difficulties for 3 months.
Neuro_MR_CS: 55 F, neck pain
Neuro_MR_Brain: 64 M, AMS
Neuro_MR_Brain: 53 M, neuroendocrine tumor, evaluate for mets
Neuro_CTA_Head/Neck: 66 F, CABG and cardiac arrest, aortic valve dysfunction
Neuro_MR_Brain: 52 M, ESRD, LOC during dialysis
Neuro_CT_Head: 44 F with SLE, headache and dizziness.
Neuro_CTA_Head/Neck: 30 M, AMS.
Neuro_CT_Head/Neck: 18 M, unresposive after GSW to head.
Neuro_CT_Head: 60 M, headache after thoracic arachnoid cyst resection.
Neuro_CT_Head: 46 M, AMS.
Neuro_CTA_Head/Neck: 30 M, left sided weakness.
Neuro_CT_Head: 27 M, assault.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 67 F, history of lung cancer, new headache.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 18 M, AMS and L MCA syndrome.
Neuro_CTA_Head/Neck: 87 F with recent L MCA stroke s/p thrombectomy, with new word finding difficulty.
Neuro_CT_Head: 46 F with SLE, found unresponsive.
Neuro_MRA_Head: Transfer from OSH.
Neuro_CTA_CAP: 36 M, Jumped from golden gate bridge.
Neuro_MR_Brain: 36 M, AMS following displaced femoral fracture
Neuro_CT_Head/Face: 70 F, orbital trauma.
Neuro_CT_Head/CS: 58 M, fell off cliff.
Neuro_CTA_Head/Neck: 94 M, MVC.
Neuro_CTA_Head/Neck: 34 M, fell off roof, s/p bifrontal craniectomy.
Mucinous rectal lesion 9178628
Mucinous rectal lesion 9185934
Hepatocellular carcinoma with scar 9053694
Hepatocellular carcinoma with scar 9056746
Von Hippel Lindau - 8708239
Mucoid Appendix - 8075735
Seminal Vesicle Cystsarcoma phyllodes - 6303342
Adenomyoma status post resection 8086830
Choledocholithiasis with Eovist 9051716
Morrell-Lavalle 9013822
Uterine PEComa 9060482
Uterine PEComa 9055367
Neuro_CT_Head: 37 F, stroke code
Chest xray test
Bucket handle tear
hemobilia from a ruptured hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm
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Body Rounds 4/11/2017
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