Neuro_MR_Orbit: 8 M, proptosis.

CLINICAL HISTORY: 8 years of age, male, Evaluate vascular orbital lesion for flow characteristics and for feeder vessels.
There is a lobulated/cystic lesion within the left inferomedial orbit, with fluid-fluid levels identified. The lesion abuts the left globe and medial rectus and inferior rectus muscles, and extends between the extraconal and intraconal space. There is mild lateral displacement of the left globe. 
There is mild wall and septal enhancement, without internal enhancement.

The flow voids in the intracranial vessels are preserved.

1.  Lobulated/cystic lesion with fluid-fluid levels within the left inferomedial orbit, consistent with lymphatic malformation. No definite findings to suggest a venous or high-flow component. 

(Orbital veno-lymphatic malformation)

Accession: CL27388638

Study description: MR BRAIN REFERENCE ONLY
