Neuro_MR_Brain: 44 M, concern for mass


44 yo M with concern for intracranial mass and/or cavernous sinus thrombosis in setting of known left ventricular thrombosis.

Findings / Diagnosis

1. Multiple acute infarcts throughout the bilateral brain and cerebellum, predominantly along the bilateral border zone areas. These findings are superimposed on background of chronic bilateral border zone infarcts. Given distribution and history of left ventricular thrombus, findings favored to be secondary to embolic shower.

2. Scattered microhemorrhages throughout the brain which may be related to embolic infarcts.

3. Subarachnoid hemorrhage in left superior frontal sulcus which is of unclear etiology.

(Embolic shower with bilateral infarcts)

Accession: CL27388432

Study description: MR Brain w
