Neuro_CT_head: 28 F, intracranial lesion and VP shunt.
CLINICAL HISTORY: 28-year-old female with somewhat vague history of possible remote intraventricular hemorrhage status post drainage and shunt placement in Mexico, status post- revision at least once. Questionable history of cysticercosis. Currently complains of nausea, vomiting, headache.
Hypodensity of the left medial anterior temporal region is seen in the gray and white matter.
There are no intraaxial or extraaxial fluid collections. There is no midline shift. The visualized portions of the sinuses are clear.
1. Left parietal ventricular catheter is seen.
2. Significantly enlarged ventricular system. No signs of transependymal flow, with sulci near to the vertex not easily visible. Unable to judge acuity of ventriculomegaly. Recommend comparison with prior scans.
3. Rim-enhancing mass seen in lateral margin of body of the left lateral ventricle. Differential includes inflammatory reaction to prior hematoma versus neoplasia. Cysticercosis is unlikely. MRI with FLAIR, diffusion and gadolinium contrast recommended.
4. Possible left anteromedial temporal lobe encephalomalacia with ex vacuo dilatation of the left temporal horn lateral ventricle.
Accession: CL27388531
Study description: CT HEAD