Neuro_CT_Head: 18 M, ALL, seizure, right temporal hemorrhage.

CLINICAL HISTORY: 18-year-old male with history of ALL now with new seizure; assess for intracranial mass or bleed.
There is increased density of the dural venous sinuses, consistent with thrombosis. Increased parasagittal density superiorly suggests cortical vein thrombosis and/or hemorrhage.
There is a new right temporal hematoma, measuring 4.5 cm in AP dimension. Minimal associated effacement of the right lateral ventricle is present. Gray-white differentiation is intact. 
There is no ventriculomegaly. There is minimal 3 mm shift of the midline structures to the left without herniation. 
Diffuse sulcal effacement is present. 
Abnormal suprasellar soft tissue density correlates with the patient's known suprasellar mass. 
The inferior most images demonstrate retropharyngeal, parapharyngeal, and right upper neck emphysema, best seen on series 6. 

1.  Dural venous thrombosis with likely right temporal lobe hemorrhagic infarct, as described above. 
2.  Cervical emphysema. Clinical correlation is recommended. 

(Dural venous sinus thrombosis with venous infarct)

Accession: CL27388558

Study description: LPCH CT HEAD WO CONTRAST 70450
