Neuro_CT_Head: 33 F, intraoperative cardiac arrest.

CLINICAL HISTORY: 30-year-old female with history of rheumatic fever as a child, status post mechanical valve replacement, complicated by intraoperative pulmonary artery rupture and cardiac arrest. CT head obtained for fixed and dilated pupils.
Parenchyma, ventricles, and extra-axial spaces: There is diffuse cerebral edema with poor grey-white differentiation throughout the brain. There is upward transtentorial and cerebellar tonsillar herniation
Ventricles and extra-axial spaces: Effacement of the basilar cisterns. Relatively hyperdense appearance of the tentorium and subarachnoid spaces likely represent pseudo-subarachnoid and pseudo-subdural hemorrhages.
Visualized paranasal sinuses: Partial opacification of the bilateral sphenoid sinuses. Frothy material is seen within the right sphenoid sinus as well as bilateral maxillary sinuses.
Mastoid air cells: Bilateral mastoid effusions. Fluid is also seen in the bilateral middle ear cavities.
Bones: No focal abnormality.
Additional comment: None.
1.  Severe, diffuse cerebral edema with upward transtentorial and tonsillar cerebellar herniation, and effacement of basal cisterns. 

(Global anoxic injury)

Accession: CL27388561

Study description: CT Head
