Neuro_CTA_Head: 43 M, MVA.

1. Small left parietal subarachnoid hemorrhage, tentorial and falcine subdural hemorrhage and intraventricular hemorrhage with blood seen in the atria of the lateral ventricles and fourth ventricle. Hyperdensity in the right anterior medial temporal lobe may represent subarachnoid hemorrhage with underlying contusion vs artifact.

2. Mildly displaced C7 right lateral mass fracture.

3. Ossific fragment adjacent to the right lateral mass of C2 with likely donor site from the right C2 superior articular facet (series 302 image 44) with widening of the atlantoaxial joint on that side.

4. Tiny, subtle small ossific fragment adjacent to the right occipital condyle may represent avulsion injury or incidental ligamentous calcification.

5. No acute vascular injury in the neck.

6. Large hematoma centered in the right axilla extending to the right neck and right superior mediastinum with contrast extravasation in the axilla concerning for active hemorrhage. Please see dictation from CT angiogram thorax for full details.

7. Nondisplaced right mandibular condyle fracture.

Accession: CL27388423

Study description: CT ANGIO HEAD AND NECK
