Neuro_CTA_Head/Neck: 30 M, AMS.

1. Large left parietal intraparenchymal hematoma extending to the right cerebral hemisphere across the corpus callosum, with surrounding edema, mass effect, midline shift, uncal and downward transtentorial herniation, and with subdural extension.

2. No definite vascular malformation identified to account for hemorrhage although a micro-AVM or pseudoaneurysm compressed by the large hematoma is difficult to exclude at this time. Of note, a loop of a distal branch of the right pericallosal artery courses along the medial aspect of the hematoma. However, no active contrast extravasation is seen in this region on delayed postcontrast images to suggest that this is the responsible bleeding artery. Consider further evaluation with MRI and/or DSA.

Accession: CL0374

Study description: CT ANGIO HEAD
